In corporation with five Swedish designers based out of Gothenburg, we can now proudly unveil the official Castelli Ass-Saver, featuring a sleek design, low weight, easy fitting, 100% recycled and recyclable.
The Ass-Saver fits nicely onto the rails of your saddle without any tools or fittings. When it stops raining, simply fold it up and store it underneath your saddle.
Its a simple and reasonably effective solution to keeping road spray from soaking your bum when riding in the rain. It’s not going to protect you 100%, but it’s a good first defense and does go a long way to keeping you drier. What’s more, it can be quickly removed and folded in half when you don’t need it.
Black unbadged Castelli Gabba WS Jerseys and Ass-Savers were in use to beat the elements during a wet and cold Milan-SanRemo this year, and later in many of the other rainy early season races. This lightweight and simple piece of plastic will soon become your best friend when the roads are wet.
Eurosport’s expert commentator Magnus Bäckstedt on why the Ass-Saver mudguard is a great idea for road cyclists. Video copyrights: Eurosport (UK)
How it works!
where can we get one?
Need to know where in Canada I can find one of these…
Where can they be purchased please?
The Scorpion mudgards will soon be available in stores, untill then, sign up for the Castelli InsiderNews, we’ll give away 30 Ass-Savers, 2014 calendars and limited edition espresso cups over the next three weeks.
Great idea, I love it. The design is very nice
Hope it will be me, Castelli i greatest.
You need to set up shop online,like Santini. It’s not possible to see even half your range in shops and you are not capitalising on a potentially huge demand. Garmin has been great publicity but what’s the point in promoting demand if you don’t satisfy it?
I love Castelli and travel with my bike allover the continent. One can buy what you want in retail outlets only by luck/chance. ON-LINE IS THE WAY (FORWARD)!!
Great Idea….I love Castelli products…when can I actually purchase one.
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